Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Okay, so I haven't posted on My Arcade yet, but don't worry, I'm still going to keep up with my objectives. Five posts a week, this week themed around AI (just like I said My Cinema at the beginning of the week).

TITLE: League of Legends

Why not use one of those fancy other covers with all the characters and the Riot Games logo and the League of Legends logo? Well, to put it simply, I don't want to talk about all of the AI in League.

For starters, most of the AI is pretty well done, I mean, at least on the Intermediate level, I haven't touched beginner in a while, but most of the time the characters will attempt to dodge when they can, and they'll aggress when they think they can win, and will back off as soon as they start losing, sometimes a problem because occasionally they'll back away from a fight they've already won, but whatever.

What's notable is Soraka, the hoof-footed, horned Goddess above, she is an example of Artificial Stupidity, but even more-so than normal. Soraka has a lot of problems, from not aiming very well, to not managing her resources well, right down to...STANDING PERFECTLY STILL FOR THE ENTIRE GAME! Seriously, she'll glitch out and just stand in the middle of the jungle for ten minutes at a time, won't even respond to being attacked or anything. Now, this isn't necessarily all her fault.

Soraka is a champion designed with the intention of supporting other champions, she has a heal, a silence, and another heal. Because of this, her AI is actually harder to optimize than others, because she can't just optimize for her own survival, she has to ensure her partners survive as well, and she only has one source of damage. Combine this with her heal actually requiring her to give up her own life-force, and she becomes a force to be reckoned against. Seriously, she'll sometimes get as close as she can to death, and then just keep going.

That's a short post, I know, but these kinds of things have a few bases that need to be covered, and then you're done.

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