Tuesday, February 16, 2016

On-Rails Blogging: STARFOX 64

Miss me?
I've been absent for a minute, out of sheer laziness and procrastination I suppose. HEY! I have a job! Don't give me that look...I've just been distracted is all.

With anime and video games okay! Stop badgering me!

So yeah, let's get back on track, let's get a few blog posts up here!

TITLE: Star Fox 64 (3D)

Star Fox 64 is the On-Rails shooter game, without being fully on rails! It was my first experience with the Star Fox series, and basically the only reason I played the games that followed in its footsteps. Star Fox has kind of stuck around in my head since then, and even the games that I've had minimal exposure to I've enjoyed for the most part, but none have compared to the original (my original, not the SNES title that I've barely been exposed to at all.)

There's not a lot I can really say about this game, it didn't have a big compelling plot, super difficult levels, or even a lot of thrilling gameplay. It's just you, piloting the machine of choice for the level, and shooting down enemy ships. I say there aren't super-difficult levels, but then I never beat the "real" ending of the game, couldn't get past the Star Wolf team, but I beat the easy path of the game hundreds of times.

I can remember replaying the entire game a dozen times to get perfect medals on every stage, and then never being able to take down the final Star Wolf team, it was...really annoying to say the very least. I'd like to pick this sucker up for the 3DS just to give it one last try, really show Star Wolf what I'm made of! YEAH!

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